

So easy to create your presentation online

Are you worried about taking a long time to make a presentation? Now bubblr makes everything easier and efficient. Come and make your wonderful presentation online!
The following presentation is a simple example made through using bubblr, and I hope you can have an overview of the magic of bubblr.

What is Bubblr?

  Bubblr is an online tool to create comic strips by using photos and pictures from flickr.com. Just searching images and add bubbles to them, your presentation is done! It is so easy to use, why don't you have a try? (this introduction is referred to the website of Bubblr) The excellent tool can be found at http://www.pimpampum.net/bubblr/

Why is this tool particular?
  • just type in the keyword of your presentation, lots of beautiful images pop up for you to choose and add in your presentation.

  • You can add texts in the picture and put it anywhere you like. You can also add strips before or after the current one to rearrange it as you wish. 
  • When you finish your work, you can publish it online. Others can see it and make comments on your work.
  • You can also send your work to your teachers or classmates by email at one time. Just type in their email address and use a comma to separate one from another.
  • It is easier for you to share your work on blog and other websites.
How to use it in English language teaching environment?
  • Teachers can ask students to make oral presentation by using bubblr.
  • Teachers can requires students to do homework by using bubblr and send their work to the teacher.
  • The picture stock is limited.
  • The user can not add too much words and change the size and color of the texts.
  • The user can not add audio and sound document to their presentation.

